Remote Logging

The PXS is normally placed in remote locations where it runs silently, unattended and without operator intervention. Often, however, the need arises to know what is happening on the system or to find out the current status of the running software.

To enable remote logging from a PXS, use the RedBoot log command to set the IP address of the log server, and the logging command to enable logging.

By default, LayGO Remote Log Servers receive log messages on UDP port 2737. This can be changed with the -p command line option. Log data is written to 2 text files with the base name as specified by the -b command line option. Logged errors are written to a file with a .err extension. All log events are written to a file with a .log extension. The files are created in the directory specified by the -d option.

LayGO Remote Log Servers can handle events transmitted by one or more PXSs.

Log file names include the date and time they were created. For instance, the files:


were created on February 24, 2004 at 3:52.21 PM local time. LayGO Remote Log Servers automatically start new log files at the beginning of each day.


wxrlogsrv is a remote log server control program for the LayGO PXS with a simple GUI interface. wxrlogsrv also displays the most recent log entries in a text window.

wxrlogsrv main window
wxrlogsrv Main Window.

Command Line Options

wxrlogsrv supports the following command line options.

[-b <base name>]

   Base name for the log files.
   Default: rlogsrv

[-d <directory>]

   Directory to in which to create log files.
   Default: logs

[-p <port>]

   UDP port for logging.
   Default: 2737


   Enable reliable logging.
   Default: disabled


laygolog.exe is a Windows NT service version of the remote log server which can be installed under Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows XP. To install it, place it in a directory on the local hard drive. Then open a Command Prompt window, change to that directory and execute it with the command line:

C:\> laygolog -install -d <directory>

where <directory> is where you want the files created by the service to be stored. The directory can be (but doesn't have to be) the same directory.

For instance, if the service file is in c:\laygo and the log files are to be placed in e:\pxs\logs, the sequence of commands would be:

  C:\> cd \laygo
  C:\> laygolog -install -d e:\pxs\logs
  C:\> net start laygolog

In this case, the log files would be e:\pxs\logs\laygolog-*.*.

By default, the service is installed to start automatically each time the system boots. You can add a -m to the install command line to configure it to be started manually. You will then need to use the net command (net start laygolog) or the Service Manager applet in the Control Panel to control it.

laygolog does not provide command-line options to change neither the default base name for the log files (laygolog) nor the UDP port it listens to (2737).

Note: laygolog is a replacement for wxrlogsrv. They cannot be run at the same time as one or the other will not be able to open the required TCP port.


laygologd is a Unix daemon program for Linux and Solaris.



Optional command line parameters are as follows:

    [-b <base file name>]
    [-d <directory name>]
    [-e <error file>]
    [-l <log file>]
    [-p <port number>]
    [-r] enable reliable logging
    [-u <user name>]
    [-w <working directory>]
    [-x] disable daemonization

The defaults for the optional command line parameters are as follows:

    base file name    = laygologd
    directory name    = logs
    error file        = /dev/console
    log file          = /dev/console
    port number       = 2737
	reliable logging  = disabled
    user name         = current user
    working directory = current directory
    daemonization     = enabled

For instance, assume that laygologd is in the /usr/pxs/bin directory, that you want the log files to be in /usr/pxs/logs and that you are logged as root. The following commands will start the daemon:

>cd /usr/pxs/bin
>./laygologd -w /usr/pxs -u pxs

We are also assuming here that a user called pxs has been created and that this user is the owner of the /usr/pxs directory.

To terminate laygologd, use the ps command to find the process id, then enter:

>kill -HUP <process id>

Unix syslog

PXS log messages use the standard Unix syslog format and can be directed to any syslog daemon by changing the logging port on the PXS. To override the default logging port, add a LOGPORT variable to the application environment the PXS using the RedBoot environment command. For instance, to set the logging port to the standard syslog UDP port 514, enter:

RedBoot> env LOGPORT=514
Application environment: LOGPORT=514

When logging using syslog, the PXS uses a facility code of 0-7 to log as one of the sources local0 - local7. The default is local0. To override the default logging facility, use the RedBoot facility command. For instance, to set the logging facility to 7, enter:

RedBoot> fac 7
Syslog facility: 7