Remote File Servers

The LayGO PXS has limited onboard storage, so in applications where the PXS serves as a front end processor, downloading data for off-site processing, it requires the services of a file server to manage interaction with a file system. LayGO Remote File Servers fulfill this role. They listen for connections on TCP port 2717 and accept requests to create files and write data into them. They are mutithreaded and can handle simultaneous downloads from multiple clients.


laygorfs.exe is a Windows NT service version of the remote file server which can be installed under Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows XP. To install it, place it in a directory on the local hard drive. Then open a Command Prompt window, change to that directory and execute it with the command line:

C:\> laygorfs -install -d <directory>

where <directory> is where you want the files created by the service to be stored. The directory can be (but doesn't have to be) the same directory.

For instance, if the service file is in c:\laygo and the log files are to be placed in e:\pxs\data, the sequence of commands would be:

C:\> cd \laygo
C:\> laygorfs -install -d e:\pxs\data
C:\> net start laygorfs

In this case, the downloaded data files would be stored subdirectories of e:\pxs\data named by with the tag assigned to the PXS.

By default, the service is installed to start automatically each time the system boots. You can add a -m to the install command line to configure it to be started manually. You will then need to use the net command (net start laygorfs) or the Service Manager applet in the Control Panel to control it.

Note: laygorfs is a replacement for wxrfssrv. They cannot be run at the same time as one or the other will not be able to open the required TCP port.


laygorfsd is a Unix daemon program for Linux and Solaris.



Optional command line parameters are as follows:

[-d <directory name>] the directory where the data subdirectories and
                      error files will be written.
[-e <error file>]
[-l <log file>]
[-p <port number>]
[-u <user name>]
[-w <working directory>] where the <directory name> will be created
[-x] disable daemonization

The defaults for the optional command line parameters are as follows:

directory name    = data
error file        = /dev/console
log file          = /dev/console
port number       = 2717
user name         = current user
working directory = current directory
daemonization     = enabled

For instance, assume that laygorfsd is in the /usr/pxs/bin directory, that you want the data directories to be in /usr/pxs/data and that you are logged as root. The following commands will start the daemon:

>cd /usr/pxs/bin
>./laygorfsd -w /usr/pxs -u pxs

We are also assuming here that a user called pxs has been created and that this user is the owner of the /usr/pxs directory.

To terminate laygorfsd, use the ps command to find the process id, then enter:

>kill -HUP <process id>


laygorfsi a version of the file server for Linux and Solaris designed to be run by xinetd. The following is a sample xinetd configuration file:

#   LayGO Remote File System service
service rfs
    type        = UNLISTED
    flags       = KEEPALIVE
    socket_type = stream
    protocol    = tcp
    wait        = no
    user        = rfs
    server      = /var/rfs/laygorfsi
    server_args = -d /var/rfs/data
    port        = 2717
    disable     = no

laygorfsi uses the local syslog facility for logging.